Eliza single mummy in Nairobi would like to connect with a guy

Hey dear Admin, My name is Eliza Living in Nairobi and I’m in my mid forties , and hardworking woman but a lonely. I don’t mind a sugar boy first. But I prefer we live together for a start. I want to experience what it feels like to live and date a younger man. However, If he will not be comfortable, I’ll get him a separate space.

It would be great news and a fairytale come true for me if I get connection today…en

For Instant connection with Eliza Reach out To Admin Brenda Through Sms or WhatsApp on 0726955672.

Connection fee is 650


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  1. I”m Roger, 26yrs
    I’m nasty as hell and i know my ways how to get to woman’s jelly for pleasure, I don’t mind choosing you ’cause if you choose me back you will never regret.
    Your body will be shacking up every time you want some like a spoiled luhyas poshomill.
    Let’s say I’m good at what i do, the best in affection actually.

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