45 years old sugar mummy Lynn in Adams Arcade Nairobi is searching for a man for a long term relationship

Hello ,I’m Lynn, a vibrant woman at 45, and I’m here with a specific vision – I’m on the lookout for a medium-height sugar man. Yes, personal preference plays a role! What I seek is more than just companionship; it’s about finding a man who resonates with my desires and values.

In my ideal sugar man, I envision someone who is protective without being controlling. A man who takes pride in his appearance, especially one who loves working out, perhaps with weights. I appreciate a man’s man – someone who knows what he wants and is passionate and intelligent.

Communication is key for me, and I’m in search of a man who understands the art of expressing thoughts and feelings. Respect is non-negotiable, and I believe in the importance of a man who comprehends what it takes to keep a woman satisfied.

Responsibility is admirable, but I also value a man who knows how to relax and enjoy life. A great smile and nice eyes are the cherry on top, and to sweeten the deal, I’m more than willing to pay.

If you think you match the description and are ready for a connection that brings passion, protection, and shared moments, let’s explore this journey together. Get in touch, and let’s see where this exciting adventure leads us. Here’s to finding that perfect sugar man!

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  1. Hi Admin Brenda, my name is Santa Williams, I need a classy sugar mummy and I am ready to give her all the pleasure and treats she wants …

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43 year old woman in Vipingo, Mombasa. She needs a good man of age between 20 – 36 from any ethnicity