Stacie a SugarMummy from Nakuru Seeking a Companion for a Hookup

Stacie a SugarMummy from Nakuru Seeking a Companion for a Hookup
Stacie a SugarMummy from Nakuru Seeking a Companion for a Hookup

Hello Admin,I’m Stacie, reaching out to you in hopes of finding a hookup partner. I’m a single woman, a mother of two, and I live in Nakuru. Life has been kind to me financially, but lately, I’ve been feeling quite lonely and in need of a companion. I have everything I need except someone to share good times with.

I’m looking for a man who is over 25 years old, and since I live in Nakuru, I’d prefer someone who is also based here so we can meet up easily. I’m not asking for much just someone I can vibe with, spend time with, and enjoy life together.

If there’s a nice gentleman within Nakuru who’s interested in getting to know me better, I’d love to hear from him. Admin, I trust you’ll connect me with someone soon.

Are you looking to connect with a Sugar Mummy (also known as Sugarmama, Sugarmommy, Sweet Mama, Sugarmums, or Mumama) or a Sugar Daddy (alias Sugadad, Sweet Daddy, Sponsor, or Mubabas)? Admin Mary G is here to assist you in making the perfect connection!

For personalized assistance, reach out to Admin Mary G:

WhatsApp: +254721666021
Please note that a connection fee of Kes 650 applies.

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